Black Dallas Police Officer Sues Black Lives Matter for 500 Million Dollars

A Dallas Police sergeant filed a lawsuit on Friday against Black Lives Matter and its supporters, alleging the group is inciting a race war.

Sgt. Demetrick Pennie, a 17-year veteran of the force, is seeking between $500 million and $1.5 billion in the complaint filed in federal court, the Dallas Morning News reported.

The defendants in the class-action suit include Black Lives Matter; President Obama; Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton; the Rev. Al Sharpton; Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan and billionaire activist George Soros.

“Defendants incite people to violence and cause violence by telling those people that they are under attack. Defendants are encouraging disaffected blacks, Black Muslims, Muslims and others allied with them including certain whites to ignore, disrespect, and assault law enforcement officials, and commit violence and lethal force,” the lawsuit states, according to the paper.

The lawsuit alleges the defendants “have repeatedly incited their supporters and others to engage in threats of and attacks to cause serious bodily injury or death upon police officers and other law enforcement persons of all races and ethnicities.”

The lawsuit was filed hours before two Texas police officers were injured in a shooting while responding to a suicide call.

Pennie, who is black, is being represented by Larry Klayman, founder of the organization Freedom Watch.

“The defendants, if not legally reined in, are allegedly responsible, along with others, for igniting a race war that will ultimately totally destroy the freedoms that our Founding Fathers bequeathed to us,” Klayman said in a press release


  1. Good morning Tree,

    I sent you an email a few weeks ago telling you how much I enjoyed your YouTube channel. I was the STL police officer/ Marine. Anyway, I wanted to tell you about Bridgitte Gabriel, she is a Christian who was born and raised in Lebanon. Please watch her videos if you are not familiar with her because she is very outspoken against radical Islam.
    Keep posting what you are posting and God bless you.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. All Black Communities Must Be Taught Facts of Murder Rates% Which Race Killing Who & Cop vs Citizen%And Be Shown Video Of Race Baiting Democrats


  3. This lawsuit filed by Sgt. Demetrick Pennie states it all – and states it all with truth. We have all see the videos. BLM and Antifa and other assorted anarchists make it very clear what their goal is. These thug attacks against our officers in uniform has got to stop! Obviously, these hateful thugs want such violent situations to escalate, and why they continue to threaten and viciously attack our police, our veterans, Trump supporters, and riot to prevent conservative speakers from being heard, etc. We must not let them tear our society apart, and I pray to God Sgt. Pennie’s lawsuit wins. God bless Sgt. Pennie for going forward in this matter. I know he will have the support of millions of American patriots.


  4. Hopefully there will be whistleblowers with intimate knowledge of these fascist organizations operations supported by Soros, Obama, etc. who will testify against them in court. Do not settle, get them on RiCO.


  5. Bravo to him! Obama and his Black Lives Matter were initiated solely for the purpose of further dividing America into a race riot. Obama with the help and support of the money from the evil Soros came very close to the ruination of our nation.


  6. I just hope nothing happens to the people filing the suit, considering how many people found dead when they had information that would put Hillary in jail.


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